3 things you can do to bolster your car accident claim

Posted On September 27 2017 | Firm News,Motor Vehicle Accidents

If you get into a significant car accident, you will have a lot of expenses. From repairs and medical treatments to lost time from work, you should pursue compensation if you were not at fault for the accident. Simple mistakes can cause you to receive less than what you deserve. Getting the most from your car accident claim is crucial so you do not have to suffer financially, emotionally or physically.

The aftermath of a car accident is overwhelming and stressful, but if you take the time to review this guide, you are sure to improve your chances of getting a substantial claim. 

1. Document the scene of the crash

Your claim is only as strong as the evidence you have. Here are some important things you should do after the accident:

  • Take plenty of pictures: Get a lot of photos from various angles of property damage, cross streets and injuries. 
  • Take notes: Write down road conditions and what you were doing when the crash occurred.
  • Get information from the other driver: Collect his or her name, driver’s license number, license plate number, vehicle type and car insurance details.
  • Find witnesses: Locate anyone who saw the accident and get contact information if possible. Ask the person to stay and give statements to the police. 

These are the first crucial things you should do to maximize your accident claim, according to an expert-reviewed WikiHow article.

2. Get medical attention

Go to the hospital or urgent care center as soon as possible after the accident, even if you do not think you have injuries or if they are minor. If you do not seek medical attention immediately, your claim will likely have a reduced value.

3. Keep track of expenses

Document any medical costs related to your accident injuries, including physical therapy, medications or operations. Keep track of any missed work, too. Your boss can provide a work excuse letter that describes how many hours you have missed because of the accident.