Former CU Student to get $230,000 settlement

Posted On March 4 2010 | Firm News

The Daily Camera’s Heath Urie wrote a nice article on settlement of case for client of mine with the City of Boulder. You can read it here.

The full statement I sent to Mr. Urie was:

Council members for the City of Boulder may be glad that this settlement was paid in full by the city’s insurance. But, they must also recognize that there was a massive failure at the administrative level in this case. Given the history surrounding Halloween in this City, there were some astoundingly stupid administrative decisions made which put both the police and innocent civilians like Jonathan Lemery in a very bad situation. The Officer who shot Jonathan Lemery was in no way the only person to blame for this incident. If I were a member of the City Council, even all these years later, I’d want to know who was responsible for this administrative failure. And, then I’d also be taking a look at the policies within the police department regarding discharge of weapons. When considering this incident and other Taser incidents in recent years, I think there’s reason for the City Council to spend some time with this issue. If I were on the City Council, I’d want to know why the officer who shot Jonathan Lemery still thinks he did nothing wrong.