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in Our Client’s Lives

Boulder Slip and Fall Attorney

A slip and fall may not sound like a serious accident, but tripping on someone else’s property can lead to serious injuries that could impact your quality of life. Depending on the circumstances surrounding your injury, you may sustain financial hardship, severe physical pain, and emotional trauma.

In these situations, you need a slip and fall attorney on your side—and the Boulder slip and fall lawyers at Purvis Thomson, LLP can help. Since 1985, we have represented injured Colorado residents in their slip and fall lawsuits, and we can help you secure the compensation you deserve.

Why Choose Us

  • Our Boulder personal injury attorneys are dedicated to achieving maximum recovery on our clients’ behalf. We have secured millions of dollars in compensation over the past few decades.
  • We prioritize our clients’ health and well-being above all else. Our firm prides itself on providing compassionate, comprehensive, and respectful representation.
  • The aftermath of a personal injury can be painful and overwhelming. Our lawyers will handle all aspects of your case on your behalf so you can focus on your recovery.

Boulder Slip and Fall Resources

Slip and Fall Accident Frequently Asked Questions

Can I be Compensated for a Slip and Fall?

If you are injured in a slip and fall accident due to someone else’s actions, you may have grounds for a slip and fall lawsuit. Through this type of claim, you can recover compensation for the economic and non-economic damages you suffered due to the at-fault party’s negligence or recklessness, including the following.

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of future earnings
  • Property damage
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish and emotional distress
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Loss of care, companionship, or consortium
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Depression and anxiety

To prove your right to this compensation, you will need to supply sufficient evidence that establishes the at-fault party’s negligence. Property owners have a duty to maintain safe premises, respond to potential hazards within a reasonable timeframe, and adequately warn visitors of these dangers. If the at-fault party breached his or her duty of care in any way and you sustained a slip and fall injury, you likely have grounds for a claim.

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Why Do I Need to Hire a Colorado Attorney?

Colorado slip and fall attorneys are familiar with Colorado premises liability laws. They know the care property owners must provide to visitors, including the specific requirements based on the legal status of the visitor. They can use this in-depth knowledge to determine the factors that contributed to your slip and fall and uncover evidence to establish legal liability. 

Many property owners and other defendants may try to deny responsibility for slips and falls that occur on their properties or due to their negligence. They may try to shift blame to you in hopes of avoiding any financial repercussions or minimizing the value of your claim. The insurance companies that represent these defendants may employ similar tactics because they also want to minimize their financial exposure, so they may unjustly deny or delay claims. 

Having an experienced Boulder head injury lawyer on your side can help level the playing field after your accident. An attorney can ensure your rights are protected at every turn so you can focus on your recovery. Many slip and fall victims are relieved to find their lawyer is prepared to do the following:

  • Conduct a thorough investigation into the cause of the accident
  • Identify all potentially liable parties
  • Gather evidence to establish fault, the legal status of the visitor, and the defendant’s legal responsibilities 
  • Review accident reports, party statements, photos of the accident scene, and witness testimony about the accident
  • Subpoena surveillance footage and other video footage of the accident
  • Review all applicable insurance policies
  • Interview witnesses and obtain corroborating statements
  • Examine personnel records, inspection reports, maintenance records, and other relevant documents
  • Handle communication on your behalf about your legal claim(s), case paperwork, and deadlines
  • Negotiate for fair and just compensation on your behalf
  • Advise you of whether you should proceed to trial to pursue the compensation you deserve

At Purvis Thomson, LLP, we are prepared to work tirelessly to identify the property owner’s applicable duty of care and their failure to meet it so you can recover the maximum amount of compensation available under the circumstances. 

If you would like to learn more about how we can help, contact us today for a free and confidential consultation. 

Who Is Responsible for My Slip and Fall?

Determining who is responsible for your slip and fall accident is highly specific to the facts of your case. Making this critical determination often depends on investigating the accident to determine what caused the slip and fall and who was responsible for the property and the dangerous condition. 

Depending on the circumstances, parties who may be responsible for slips and falls may include:

  • Property owners – Property owners are responsible for keeping their properties in a safe condition and avoiding causing foreseeable injuries to others. If unsafe conditions such as loose floorboards, cluttered aisles, or inadequate lighting lead to a slip and fall, the property owner might be responsible for the resulting damages.
  • Property management companies – Sometimes, property owners delegate the management and maintenance of their properties to a third party who is responsible for any accidents that occur on the property due to dangerous conditions or poor maintenance. 
  • Lessees of property – Parties may lease property from the owners. Whether residential or commercial, the lessees may be responsible for the areas under their control while the property owner may still be responsible for common areas. 
  • Employers – Many slips and falls occur at stores and other places of business. Employers are generally responsible for the negligence of their employees. 
  • Contractors – If you are injured because of poorly constructed staircases, uneven flooring, or other construction defects, the contractor may be responsible for your injuries. 
  • Product manufacturers – Some slip and fall accidents are due to defective products, such as ladders, floors, mats, or scaffolding. The parties that manufacture and sell these defective products may be responsible for resulting injuries. 
  • Government entities – If you slip and fall on sidewalks, roadways, or public areas that are maintained by the government, you might have a claim against the government entity responsible for the property. 

To obtain compensation from the responsible party, you will need to be able to present evidence of the dangerous condition, the defendant knew about it or should have known about it, and how the condition caused your fall. This typically relies on having strong evidence, such as:

  • Statements from witnesses about what they saw
  • Similar incident reports involving the same features that harmed you
  • Inspection reports and other documentation showing the property owner was aware of the danger
  • Photos or videos of the conditions that caused your injuries
  • Medical records connecting your injuries to a fall
  • Your clothing that has the substance on it that caused your fall
  • Personnel records that indicate a lack of training or oversight

An experienced Boulder slip and fall lawyer can thoroughly investigate your case and determine the evidence that may help establish your claim.

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Colorado Statute of Limitations for Slip and Falls

All civil lawsuits in Colorado are subject to a rule known as the statute of limitations, which establishes a filing deadline for your claim. If you do not file within the applicable time period, the court will dismiss your lawsuit.

For slip and fall claims and other actions against landowners, you have two years from the date of your injury to file. To protect your right to compensation and identify your appropriate filing deadline, speak to a Boulder slip and fall attorney at Purvis Thomson, LLP as soon as possible following your accident.

Common Causes of Slip and Falls

Slip and fall accidents can happen at any place, at any time. In many cases, these accidents are completely preventable and only occur due to the failure of a property owner, business, or government agency to maintain safe premises and properly warn visitors of hazards. Some of the most common causes of slip and fall accidents include the following.

  • Defective sidewalks
  • Loose floorboards
  • Cluttered floors
  • Poorly constructed staircases
  • Torn carpeting
  • Unsalted icy surfaces
  • Improper safety training
  • Recently mopped, waxed, or polished floors
  • Spills that are not cleaned up
  • Unsafe ladders or stairs

Premises Liability

Premises liability is the area of the law that deals with the responsibilities property owners owe visitors to their property. Generally, property owners must keep their properties in a reasonably safe condition and to safely conduct any activities they complete on the premises, paying attention to the possible harm they may cause to others. If they violate these legal responsibilities and harm someone, the injured victim may be able to file a premises liability claim against them to seek remuneration for their injuries. 

The legal duty the property owner owes the visitor depends on their legal status, as follows:

  • Trespasser – Trespassers are people who enter or remain on land without the owner’s consent. If you are not lawfully on the property when you slip and fall, you can only make a claim against the property owner if you can show that they willfully or deliberately harmed you. For example, they may have laid traps on their property that caused you to slip and fall. 
  • Licensee – A licensee is someone who enters or remains on property for their own purposes with the owner’s express or implied consent. Social guests are considered licensees under Colorado premises liability law. Property owners must use reasonable care to not create dangers on their property and to warn visitors about dangers on the property the owner actually knows about and is not an ordinary danger on the type of property. 
  • Invitee – An invitee is someone who enters or remains on property to conduct business for the mutual benefit of the property owner and invitee or on property when there is an invitation to the public. Property owners owe the highest duty of care to invitees. In addition to the responsibilities that property owners owe licensees, property owners must also use reasonable care to prevent injuring invitees, including from dangers they should know about if they are exercising reasonable care. 

An experienced Boulder premises liability lawyer can review the circumstances of your case, explain the legal status you had at the time of the accident, and explain whether you have grounds for a slip and fall claim.

Modified Comparative Fault in Injury Cases

Modified comparative fault is a legal concept that applies in cases in which accident victims contributed to their own injuries. The two extremes of contributory fault are not allowing accident victims to recover compensation if they were at all at fault, even 1%, or allowing them to file a claim against the at-fault party, even if they were 99% at fault. 

Modified comparative fault is a middle ground between these two extremes and the system Colorado uses. Slip and fall accident victims can still file a claim in Colorado if they were partially at fault for the accident, as long as they were not more than 50% at fault. However, their damages are reduced by their proportion of fault. 

Suppose you were injured in a slip and fall accident and suffered damages of $20,000. The jury finds you were 10% at fault for the accident. You would then be able to recover $18,000 because the remaining $2,000 were attributed to your own negligence. However, if the jury had found you were 51% at fault for the accident, you wouldn’t have been able to recover any compensation.

Contact our Boulder Slip and Fall Lawyer Today

If you are injured in a slip and fall accident on someone else’s property, you may have grounds for a lawsuit or insurance claim. After you receive medical attention for your injuries, contact the Boulder slip and fall lawyers at Purvis Thomson, LLP to discuss your pathway to recovery.

Areas We Serve

Pearl Street | University Hill | Newlands | Martin Acres | Chautauqua | North Boulder | South Boulder | Gunbarrel | Mapleton Hill | Whittier | Wonderland Hill | Goss-Grove | Table Mesa | Tantra Park | Lower Arapahoe | Boulder Heights | Melody Heights | Frasier Meadows | Downtown Boulder | East Boulder | Keewaydin | Palo Park | Parkside | Pine Brook Hills | Rolling Hills | Wonderland Lake